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Anachronisms![]() An anachronism, is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of person(s), events, objects, or customs from different periods of time. Often the item misplaced in time is an object, but it may be a verbal expression, a technology, a philosophical idea, a musical style, a material, a custom, or anything else associated with a particular period in time so that it is incorrect to place it outside its proper temporal domain. (Wikipedia).
There are literally hundreds of facts, snippets of information and strange elements that we are aware of that seem to be anachronistic; that is, they do not fit with the accepted chronology of the human race. If, of course, our accepted chronology is in fact correct. Many scholars choose to ignore them, while others try and place them within the accepted framework. Others take these morsels and transform them into a veritable fictitious feast. Some of these elements are revealed below. They have been collated from multiple sources and researchers in the field of alternate history. After fifteen years of reading the works of these professors, doctors, archaeologists and enthusiastic amateurs, I threaded the items together to create my fictional book (see Buy The Book). The premise of my novels is based on the following thought process: if the accepted chronology is temporarily put on hold, and the pieces of evidence summarized below hold any truth, then the possibility of an unknown advanced civilization exists; a civilization that not only predates any that is conventionally accepted, but may well have passed on their knowledge to the civilizations we do know of. Many people theorize extraterrestrial involvement. However, if one was inclined to believe in such an ancient race it would most logically be much closer to home. |
Dispelling a Common Myth

We have all seen the image of evolution: several ape-like creatures lined up, each one marginally more advanced until the last animal - Homo sapiens. Humans as we know ourselves. What is often misunderstood, is that there were actually many ape-like creatures that existed before, alongside, or developed from, our own ancestors. Not all of these animals developed further, some even went extinct. For instance, Homo neanderthalensis actually existed at the same time as our Homo sapien ancestors. We did not evolve from Neanderthals as commonly believed. A succinct article on the timeline of human evolution can be found here.
Science is often discovering new animals that may or may not be part of our lineage. For instance, in April 2013, it was reported that a new species, Australopithecus sedbia, was found in the cradle of life not far from Johannesburg.
We are confined to a fossil record which is patchy at best, reliant on the right conditions to preserve each and every specimen that we subsequently discover through tireless excavation of sites that interest us. It is entirely possible that we have missed something along the way. Something very important. Something that evolved alongside us, from a common ancestor.
Science is often discovering new animals that may or may not be part of our lineage. For instance, in April 2013, it was reported that a new species, Australopithecus sedbia, was found in the cradle of life not far from Johannesburg.
We are confined to a fossil record which is patchy at best, reliant on the right conditions to preserve each and every specimen that we subsequently discover through tireless excavation of sites that interest us. It is entirely possible that we have missed something along the way. Something very important. Something that evolved alongside us, from a common ancestor.
Accepted Chronology
While I cannot claim to express the entirety of human history in a few paragraphs, conceptually it is accepted that:
- 4.99 million years of evolution sees the human race develop basic stone tools and fashion weaved clothing
- 10,000 years ago - Copper (metal tools end the Stone Age), true agriculture, ploughs and other farming implements are developed, and the first civilizations are formed.
- 6,000 years ago - Invention of the Wheel. Major advancements in navigation follow. Writing Systems are developed. Recorded history begins.
- 5,500 years ago - Bronze Age begins
- 4,500 years ago (2500 BC) - Egyptians build the pyramids; technologically advanced, hyper-accurate, complex, monolithic structures
Thus, it is accepted that somehow in a short space of time after the bronze age, the human race was able to create some of the most complex structures on Earth, on different continents. These structures are difficult to construct with today's technology.
Hapgood's MapsIn 1966, Professor Charles Hapgood published Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings in which he supported the suggestion made by Arlington Mallery that a part of an old map, the Piri Reis Map, was a depiction of the area of Antarctica known as Queen Maud Land. The interesting part, is that he concluded that "Antarctica was mapped when these parts were free of ice".
Hapgood also examined a 1531 map by French mathematician and cartographer Oronce Finé (aka Oronteus Finaeus). In Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, he reproduces letters received from the chief of a U.S. Air Force cartography section stationed at Westover AFB in 1961. At Hapgood's request, they studied both Piri Reis and Oronce Finé maps and concluded that both were compiled from original source maps of Antarctica at a time when it was relatively free of ice, thus supporting Hapgood's findings. |
Hapgood concluded that advanced cartographic knowledge appears on the Piri Reis map and the Oronteus Finaeus map, and must be the result of some unknown ancient civilization that developed advanced scientific knowledge before other civilizations such as Greece. The knowledge would have been available before 10,000 BC. While Hapgood's work garnered some enthusiasm, his hypotheses largely met with skepticism and were ignored by the majority of scholars.
The Antikythera mechanismThe Antikythera mechanism is an ancient mechanical computer, thought to be built around 100 BC by the Greeks - specifically Archimedes - designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was recovered in 1900 during a diving expedition just off the coast of the Greek island Antikythera.
Jacques Cousteau visited the wreck for the last time in 1978, but found no additional remains of it. Due to terrible corrosion, its significance was not immediately known. However, recent advances in technology have allowed the interior of the item to be examined carefully, as well as the badly worn inscriptions carved on it. The device is remarkable for its level of miniaturisation and complexity. The recovered device had more than thirty gears inside but the recent data suggest there may have been as many as seventy-two gears, each with tiny teeth – small triangles. When a date was entered via a crank, the mechanism calculated the position of the sun and moon or other astronomical body, such as the known planets (see image left). This device is so accurate, it even compensates for the elliptical, rather than circular, movement of the heavenly bodies. The research project can be found here. |
It has long been debated that a device of such complexity could not have been just thought up and built in the space of a year, or even ten years. Understanding the paths of the sun, moon and planets would take hundreds if not thousands of years of recording, with advanced techniques – particularly to establish the elliptical orbits. It suggests that there was prior knowledge. Ancient knowledge, passed down to, or copied by, the Greeks.
The Pyramids of Egypt & S. AmericaThe Great Pyramids of Giza are possibly the most famous of all the world's monuments. Originally covered in bright limestone, these massive monuments would have been visible from many miles away in the desert sun.
Archaeological science maintains that the available evidence indicates the Giza pyramids were constructed during the Fourth dynasty period (3rd millennium BC). In 1983, Robert Bauval, made a connection between the layout of the three main stars in Orion's belt and the layout of the three main pyramids in the Giza necropolis. He published this idea in 1989 in the journal Discussions in Egyptology, volume 13. The basis of this theory suggests that the relative positions of three main Egyptian pyramids are - by design - correlated with the relative positions of the three stars which make up Orion's Belt, a constellation in the northern sky. The interesting piece of this story is that, according to their calculations, this alignment only works if one considers the position of the stars of Orion's belt as they appeared in the night sky more than 12,000 years ago (10,000 BC). The idea was further expounded in collaboration with Adrian Gilbert (The Orion Mystery, 1994) and Graham Hancock (Keeper of Genesis, 1996). |
Far away in Mexico, we find more pyramids. This is significant in itself. Even if 'normal' chronology is accepted, communication between these two continents would not have been possible. Why build such similar objects?
Northeast of Mexico City stands the ancient site of Teotihuacan, the largest city in Mesoamerica during Pre-Columbian times. It should not be confused with Tiahuanaco, described below. Orthodox archaeologists are divided concerning the date of the site; some believe it was at its height from 1,500 to 1,000 BC, while others think a period of 100 BC to 700 AD is more probable.
However, an increasing number of scholars suggest that Teotihuacan may be far older than previously assumed. One reason for this is the fact that its current name - Teotihuacan (‘the place of the gods’) - was given to it by the Aztecs long after its decline and eventual abandonment. The site is also mentioned, with equal mystery, by the Mayans, Zapotecs and Toltecs. In Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock discusses other archaeological anomalies of the site and suggests that certain structures and alignments within the city may actually date far back into antiquity.
One such structure is the formidable Pyramid of the Sun. Until relatively recently (i.e. early 1900s), the entire top level of this pyramid was covered in a massive, one-foot thick, sheet of granulated mica. The mica been transported from a mine thousands of miles away in South America. How had the great quantity of mica been brought from such a distance and, equally important, for what purpose? Several theories have been put forward, including absorption of celestial radiation at specific times of the year.
Northeast of Mexico City stands the ancient site of Teotihuacan, the largest city in Mesoamerica during Pre-Columbian times. It should not be confused with Tiahuanaco, described below. Orthodox archaeologists are divided concerning the date of the site; some believe it was at its height from 1,500 to 1,000 BC, while others think a period of 100 BC to 700 AD is more probable.
However, an increasing number of scholars suggest that Teotihuacan may be far older than previously assumed. One reason for this is the fact that its current name - Teotihuacan (‘the place of the gods’) - was given to it by the Aztecs long after its decline and eventual abandonment. The site is also mentioned, with equal mystery, by the Mayans, Zapotecs and Toltecs. In Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock discusses other archaeological anomalies of the site and suggests that certain structures and alignments within the city may actually date far back into antiquity.
One such structure is the formidable Pyramid of the Sun. Until relatively recently (i.e. early 1900s), the entire top level of this pyramid was covered in a massive, one-foot thick, sheet of granulated mica. The mica been transported from a mine thousands of miles away in South America. How had the great quantity of mica been brought from such a distance and, equally important, for what purpose? Several theories have been put forward, including absorption of celestial radiation at specific times of the year.
The SphinxThe Great Sphinx of Giza (or 'The Terrifying One' if directly translated from its Arabic name), is a limestone statue of a couchant sphinx that stands on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile in Giza, Egypt.
It is the largest monolith statue in the world, standing 73.5 metres long, 19.3 metres wide, and 20.22 m high. It is commonly believed to have been built by the ancient Egyptians of the Old Kingdom during the reign of the Pharaoh Khafra (circa. 2558–2532 BC). However, several strange phenomenon regarding the sphinx have been observed by various scholars and enthusiasts. For instance, given that the Egyptians were able to construct the pyramids and other structures in effect proportion, it seems a little odd that the head of the Sphinx is entirely too small for the body - as if it were carved from something larger. In addition, similarly to the Pyramids on the Giza Plateau (see above) Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval suggest that the Sphinx's date of creation is possibly incorrect. Their findings suggest that this monument in fact points directly at the constellation of Leo, but where this group of stars would have sat in our sky around 10,500 BC. Logically, it therefore makes sense that the original monument may in fact have been a lion (or lion-like creature) and that Egyptians merely modified the existing statue. More evidence for the greater antiquity of the Sphinx has been proposed by Robert M. Schoch, a geologist and associate professor of natural science at the College of General Studies at Boston University, and John Anthony West, an author and alternative Egyptologist. They contend that the main type of weathering evident on the enclosure walls of the Sphinx could only have been caused by prolonged and extensive rainfall, the type that would have caused flooding, and that it must therefore predate the time of the pharaoh Khafra. |
A Port in the SkyTiahuanaco is an important Pre-Columbian archaeological site in western Bolivia. The ruins of the ancient city state are near the south-eastern shore of Lake Titicaca.
It is recognized by scholars as one of the most important precursors to the Inca Empire. According to accepted science, this city flourished as the ritual and administrative capital of a major power for approximately 500 years. The site was first recorded in written history by Spanish conquistador Pedro Cieza de León. Leon stumbled upon the remains of Tiahuanaco in 1549 while searching for the Inca capital Qullasuyu. |
In his book, Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock suggests that Tiahuanaco was originally built as a port on the shore of lake Titicaca. Indeed, much smaller now than in the distant past - having receded by almost 20 km - Lake Titicaca is often referred to as the highest navigable lake in the world; it sits 3,812 metres above sea level. What is stranger, is that the inland waterway is littered with millions of fossilised seashells. The lake also features a range of marine as opposed to freshwater fauna. Creatures brought to the surface in fishermen's nets have included seahorses. This is suggestive of a massive and relatively rapid elevation of the entire lake in antiquity. Graham claims that the remains of vast harbour constructions, piers and dykes have been found at the site. Moreover, he reports evidence from Professor Posnansky that suggests this port would have been active as early as 15,000 BC. This researcher also argues that a terrible flood had destroyed the port in the 11th millennium BC.
In ancient times, the area of Tiahuanacan was said to be inhabited by the Viracochas, an advanced civilisation, capable of fantastic technological feats. There has been some evidence to suggest that after the cataclysmic flood, someone - perhaps the Viracochas - built raised fields and agricultural systems utilising the newly exposed lands. Some investigators suggest that these agricultural systems could even outperform modern techniques.
One last interesting piece of the puzzle is the language spoken by the local people of Tiahuanaco: Aymara. This language, possibly one of the oldest in the world, was shown by Ivan Guzman de Rojas to be almost designed. Ivan showed that the rigidity and strange syntax of the language meant that it could be transformed into a computer algorithm and used to translate one language into another.
In ancient times, the area of Tiahuanacan was said to be inhabited by the Viracochas, an advanced civilisation, capable of fantastic technological feats. There has been some evidence to suggest that after the cataclysmic flood, someone - perhaps the Viracochas - built raised fields and agricultural systems utilising the newly exposed lands. Some investigators suggest that these agricultural systems could even outperform modern techniques.
One last interesting piece of the puzzle is the language spoken by the local people of Tiahuanaco: Aymara. This language, possibly one of the oldest in the world, was shown by Ivan Guzman de Rojas to be almost designed. Ivan showed that the rigidity and strange syntax of the language meant that it could be transformed into a computer algorithm and used to translate one language into another.
The Underwater CityIn May 2001, India's Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Science and Technology division, Murli Manohar Joshi, announced that the ruins of an ancient civilisation had been discovered off the coast of Gujarat, in the Gulf of Khambhat.
It is located 20 km from the Gujarat coast, spans 9 km, and can be found at a depth of 30–40 metres. In his announcement, Joshi represented the site as an urban settlement that pre-dates the Indus Valley Civilisation. Among the artifacts recovered were a piece of wood, pottery shards, weathered stones initially described as hand tools, fossilised bones, and a tooth. The piece of wood was carbon dated to an age of 9,500 years old. However, Geologist Dr. Glenn Milne at the University of Durham, who has developed a state-of-the-art model of sea-level change, suggested that in fact the submerged city could actually have been built in circa. 12,000 BC. Glenn's model takes into account a number of major processes that affect sea-level and is able to date the submergence of underwater ruins anywhere in the world with relatively good precision (within 1000 years). |
The Knowledge BringersThroughout the world, a single myth with many derivations exists: there was a terrible flood - one that destroyed almost everything - and after this flood came a bringer of knowledge and civilisation.
Even in the Bible the flood myth exists where in chapter six of the Book of Genesis, God destroys his creations. Moreover, the Bible describes antediluvian (pre-flood) societies that were far more advanced than those after the flood. What is perhaps most interesting is that there tends to be common descriptions of the knowledge bringers... Graham Hancock has covered this topic in great detail. Here I provide a synopsis of a few key facts. In South America, throughout various stories of ancient times, several deities existed. For the peoples of the Andes, the main deity was Viracocha: a pale-skinned bearded man who wielded knowledge, power and magic. Viracocha can be translated to mean 'foam of the sea'. He came in a time of chaos after a terrible flood and brought the people out of a time of darkness. Other names that applied to this figure included: Con Ticci, Kon Tiki, Thunupa, Taapac, Tupaca and Illa. In Mexico, the Maya described another deity - Quetzalcoatl. Like Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl had other aliases, such as Gucumatz and Kukulkan. All of these names translate to: feathered serpent. In addition, like Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl was described as white skinned man with a beard who, in antiquity, came from across the sea and brought with him knowledge which he bestowed upon the people. For the Maya, he is attributed with providing them with their calendrical knowledge. Interestingly, the descriptions of these deities are derived from the Spanish conquistadors of the time. This means that the descriptions are open to interpretation. For instance, while the word 'beard' is often used, no image of either Viracocha or Quetzalcoatl actually shows them bearded in any way the Spanish describe. |
In Mesopotamian myths, strange amphibious beings are described that were endowed with reason. These beings, led by one named Oannes, visited the land of Sumer. Most surviving imagery of Oannes and his race show fish-garbed men. Though, the original description would not lend itself to such an image. Indeed, Oannes was described as an animal that was sentient and possessed the power of reason. He was said to converse with the people during the day, bestowing knowledge of science and art, but would return to the water at night because he was amphibious.
The fourth veil: Certain individuals will discover the Illuminati, Freemasons, and other secret societies. These societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that perpetuate the generational transfers of arcane knowledge that is used to keep the ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth.
The fifth veil: Some learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no boundaries and controlling the very thoughts and even the very actions of people is what their members do as offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed.
The sixth veil: Here, we learn the dragons and lizards and aliens we thought were the fictional monsters of childhood literature are real indeed and are in reality the actual controlling forces behind the secret societies uncovered in the fourth veil. [Serpent like beings have played a large role in human regions, from South America to Iraq (see left and refer to Quetzalcoatl above)].
The seventh veil: The incredible world of fractal geometry and the universal law of numbers will be fully understood and embraced. The creative force of the entire universe will be shown to be linked to numerical code formulas and sequences, and all “mysteries” including the very fabric of time, space, parallel universes, and access therein is unlocked. Those whose intellects allow them to pierce the seventh veil often succumb to the lure and promise of massive wealth offered by the ruling elite.
The eighth veil: Piercing the eighth veil reveals God and the pure energy known as LOVE that is the pure life force in all living things – which are one and the same. Deep-seated Humility is needed in order to ever pierce this veil.
The ninth veil: Piercing the ninth veil means perfecting the pure energy known as love and thereby becoming truly one with God and His formulations. By perfecting this pure energy, one then fully embraces charity and therein gains full understanding of the universal plan of sacrifice, death, and redemption; life itself then becomes complete and one truly comes full circle and looks at the world through the eyes of an innocent child, yet with the deepest wisdom born of pure LOVE from the eighth veil.
A Grain of Truth?
Given the snippets of information above, and strange continuity of ideas and imagery across both the globe and time, isn't it possible that humans were not, perhaps even are not, the most advanced species on Earth? A time period of around 10,000 BC crops up numerous times for various technologically advanced creations (monuments, maps, docks), yet this in itself suggests a far older chronology for whatever race created them. Could this ancient and intelligent race have intervened at a point in human history, jolting our advancement? Providing a quantum leap forward? What if this were the case? What if, as the nine veils theory suggests, the world's powers already knew...?